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Martial Arts Class

Karate BC Membership

Fees below DO NOT include membership in Karate BC.

Karate BC membership must be completed by your third class: it is required for our insurance. For details and how to become a member, please go to

Fernie Karate Club Fees

Little Tigers (5 - 8 yrs)

Drop in: $10/session

Winter season

(Jan - Mar, 21 classes): $200

Regular Class (8+)

Drop in: $10/session

Winter season

(Jan - Mar, 21 classes): $200

Golden Tigers (50+)

Drop in: $10/session

Winter season

(Jan - Mar, 21 classes): $200

Regular Class + Golden Tigers

Drop in: $15/session

Winter season (21 classes): $300

Please note: Fernie Karate Club is a non-profit organization, registered in BC. 

Registration Forms

Please complete the following

for each participant:

In case of accident or injury, I hereby give permission to Fernie Karate to administer first aid to the participant listed above.
Participant Date of Birth
Have you participated in martial arts before?
Current belt colour / kyu:

Acknowledgement and Waiver

Please confirm the following for each participant:

By submitting this form, I** acknowledge and understand that martial arts training is an activity that involves physical contact and that participating might result in accident or injury. I** further acknowledge and understand that such risk may be due not only to my own actions but also the action (or inaction) of others, and that there may be other risks that are not known to me or to others or not reasonably foreseeable. I** accept all risks and dangers and release, waive, and discharge Fernie Karate Club, its affiliated organizations and governing bodies, their officers, instructors and personnel, supporters, members, employees, or volunteers from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, or cause of actions arising out of or in dangers and risks associated with training.

**participant, or parent/guardian if participant is under 18.

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